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%Nano/Micro Systems & Controls Lab.%

Bio-inspired Sensors for Biomimetic Robots

Biomimetic robot research was initiated with the inspiration from the mobility, functionality and the intelligent operation of biological creatures.

We investigate motion sensors and structural mechanisms to be able to carry out missions such as reconnaissance and surveillance.

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Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) with a combination of Vision and MEMS Inertial Sensor

SLAM is a computational technology such as constructing and updating a map of unknown environment. NML is interested in developing the SLAM algorithm for home service robot.

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MEMS Ion traps for Quantum Information Processing

Ion trap is the most significant device for long-distance quantum communication. We developed the ion trap for the first time in Asia using unique MEMS technologies.

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Micro Sensor with a Combination of Unique MEMS and CMOS Technologies.

Based on unique know-hows developed by NML since 1991, various micro sensors have been researched and commercialized for numerous applications.

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Tuningless, High-performance Servo Drive Control

High-performance and high-precision servo drive control technologies without tuning processes have been developed for various industrial applications. Numerous NML technologies have been commercialized and applied to various industrial environments.

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Retinal Prosthetic System using MEMS, CMOS, and Bio technologies

Retinal prosthetic system has been researched by combination of flexible nanowires, 3-dimensional microelectrode arrays and ASICs, which has not been studied by others.

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Bacteria based Biomedical Microrobot Technology

A major focus of drug delivery system is the study and development of polymers with varying degradation rate to deliver specific amount of drugs at specific target area.

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전체 66
번호 썸네일 제목 작성자 작성일 추천 조회
조동일 교수님, 제24회 한중일 공학한림원 국제심포지움 기조발제
nml | 2021.10.21 | 추천 0 | 조회 1021
nml 2021.10.21 0 1021
조동일 교수님, Mechatronics Co-Editor-in-Chief Robotics 취임
nml | 2021.01.20 | 추천 0 | 조회 1485
nml 2021.01.20 0 1485
조동일 교수님, 2023 IFAC 회장 선출 및 2026 IFAC world congress 유치
nml | 2019.09.11 | 추천 0 | 조회 2533
nml 2019.09.11 0 2533
조동일 교수님, 로봇산업 육성을 위한 정책토론회에 토론자로 참석
nml | 2019.07.01 | 추천 0 | 조회 2252
nml 2019.07.01 0 2252
조동일 교수님, 2019 첨단국방산업전 및 미래 지상전력기획 심포지엄 드론봇 세션 기조연설
nml | 2019.07.01 | 추천 0 | 조회 2005
nml 2019.07.01 0 2005
조동일 교수님, 인공지능(AI)·드론봇 전투발전 컨퍼런스 토론자로 참석
nml | 2019.07.01 | 추천 0 | 조회 2119
nml 2019.07.01 0 2119
조동일 교수님, 대한민국 로봇대상 국무총리표창 수상
nml | 2018.12.20 | 추천 0 | 조회 2759
nml 2018.12.20 0 2759
조동일 교수님, 2018 International Automatic Control Conference Keynote Speech
nml | 2018.10.29 | 추천 0 | 조회 6147
nml 2018.10.29 0 6147
조동일 교수님, 제 4 회 국제로봇기술포럼 Keynote Speech
nml | 2018.10.29 | 추천 0 | 조회 2047
nml 2018.10.29 0 2047
조동일 교수님, 중국 하얼빈공대 객좌교수 위촉 Harbin Institute of Technology, Guest Professor (客座敎授), 2018. 5. - preset
nml | 2018.07.25 | 추천 0 | 조회 2623
nml 2018.07.25 0 2623

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